is a graduate of a Research Master in Agricultural Extension, Innovation and Development and a Master II in Agronomy at the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences (FASA) of the University of Dschang. She is an active member of Cooperative Main Verte, and has acquired experience in monitoring and evaluation of project at Pouga service SARL. Erika has conducted surveys of actors in the poultry value chain at the departmental delegation of MINEPIA Wouri where she participated in the collection and processing of data. For two years she has been a consultant at RECOSAF (an organisation that supports sustainable local development of villages in West Cameroon through agroecology, responsible tourism and fair trade), assisting in drafting projects, redirecting current projects and helping those seeking funding. Erika is dynamic, enthusiastic and passionate about what she does, and aims to encourage young people to understand that together we can grow and accomplish great things.