Below you will find factsheets of the videos grouped by subject or interest.
Water and soil fertility

Water and soil fertility factsheets:
- Drip irrigation for tomato
- Contour bunds
- Grass strips against soil erosion
- The wonder of earthworms
- Making a vermicompost bed
- Using human urine as fertilizer
- Mulch for a better soil and crop
- Compost from rice straw
- Good microbes for plants and soil
- Vermiwash: an organic tonic for crops
- The clod breaker: a rolling harrow
- Organic biofertilizerin liquid and solid form
- Pitcher irrigation
- Coir pith
- Organic coating of cereal seed
- Turning fish waste into fertiliser
- Working in groups to save water
- Healthier crops with good micro-organisms

Vegetable factsheets:
- Drip irrigation for tomato
- Contour bunds
- Grass strips against soil erosion
- The wonder of earthworms
- Making a vermicompost bed
- Using human urine as fertilizer
- Mulch for a better soil and crop
- Compost from rice straw
- Good microbes for plants and soil
- Vermiwash: an organic tonic for crops
- The clod breaker: a rolling harrow
- Organic biofertilizerin liquid and solid form
- Pitcher irrigation
- Coir pith
- Organic coating of cereal seed
- Turning fish waste into fertiliser
- Working in groups to save water
- Healthier crops with good micro-organisms
Tomato production
Tomato post-harvest

Tomato post-harvest factsheets:

Legume videos:
- Reviving soils with mucuna
- Intercropping maize with pigeon pea
- Storing cowpea seed
- Soya sowing density
- Harvesting and storing soya bean seed
- Beans for the lowlands
- Staking climbing beans
- Managing birds in climbing beans
- Managing aflatoxins in groundnuts during drying and storage
- Root and stem rot in groundnut
- Making groundnut oil and snacks
- Growing lupin without disease (Latin America)
- Better seed for green gram
- Crop rotation with legumes
- Stronger plants with raised beds
- Crop rotation with legumes
Fighting striga and improving soil fertility

Fighting striga and improving soil fertility factsheets:
Small livestock
Animal health

Animal health factsheets:
- Keeping sheep healthy
- Deworming goats and sheep with herbal medicines
- Herbal treatment for diarrhoea
- Herbal medicine against fever in livestock
- Herbal medicine against mastitis
- Natural ways to manage bloat in livestock
- Effective worm control
- Managing cattle ticks
- Keeping milk free from antibiotics
- Preventing fly-borne illness in donkeys and horses
- Calcium deficiency in dairy cows
Feed and fodder

Feed and fodder factsheets:
- Growing azolla for feed
- Preparing low-cost concentrate feed
- Growing hydroponic fodder
- Sillage from maize
- Spineless cactus for fodder
- Feeding dairy goats
- Feeding improved chickens
- Calcium deficiency in dairy cow
- Feeding rabbits
- Food for fish
- Feeding grasscutters
- Feeding snails
- Making balanced feed for dairy cows
- Sprouting grains for livestock feed
Rice advice

Rice advice factsheets:
- Seed sorting
- Seed flotation
- Seed drying
- Seed preservation
- Land preparation
- Seedbed
- Transplanting
- Weed management
- Improving rice quality
- Rice parboiling
- Managing bacterial leaf blight in rice
- Flood tolerant rice
- Compost from rice straw
- Managing false smut of rice
- Managing the rice leaf folder
- Managing false smut of rice
Sustainable Land Management series

Sustainable Land Management factsheets series:
Maize post-harvest

Maize post-harvest factsheets:
Fruit flies
Making money

Making money factsheets:
- Making soya cheese
- Preparing cashew apple juice
- Solar drying pineapples
- Solar drying of kale leaves
- Making chilli powder
- Growing oyster mushrooms
- Making yoghurt
- Making fresh cheese
- Making rennet
- Village savings and loan associations
- Harvesting and storing shea nuts
- Making better shea butter
- Making mango crisps
- Making cassava snacks
Milk as a business
Dates, donkeys and chicks

Dates, donkeys and chicks factsheets:
Health and nutrition

Fruit factsheets:
- Intercropping pineapples with bananas and beans
- Solar drying of pineapples
- Staking and pruning passion fruit
- Weaver ants against fruit flies
- Promoting weaver ants in your orchard
- Controlling banana weevils
- Making banana flour
- Preparing cashew apple juice
- Proper handling of baobab fruits at harvest
- Producing healthy plantain and banana suckers
Sustainable Land Management