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Access Agriculture expands to India

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With the signing of a formal agreement with the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) in Hyderabad, Access Agriculture expands its partnership basis in India to include the country’s flagship National Institute for training, research and capacity building of extension functionaries.

Quality is at the core of the services delivered by MANAGE, and that is what attracted them to work with Access Agriculture to encourage South-South learning through quality farmer-to-farmer training videos.

As Dr V.P. Sharma, Director of the MANAGE Centre for Agricultural Knowledge Management, ICTs and Mass Media, explains: “We strive towards quality in all our work and see great scope in South-South learning through quality farmer training videos.”

MANAGE will contribute to the organisation of workshops on video production and video translation in various States, and in mainstreaming quality farmer training videos in the Indian extension system.

Other agencies who have shown a keen interest to collaborate with Access Agriculture in India include the international research organisations IRRI, ICRISAT and CIMMYT, along with a number of NGOs such as the Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR), Digital Green and the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF).

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