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Access Agriculture videos in Hindi

Hindi translations being edited

Thanks to a collaboration between Access Agriculture, Green TV and Business of Languages, 50 videos are now available to the 400 million Hindi speakers in the sub-continent.  The videos in the style of “farmer to farmer” have been filmed in India, Bangladesh, Africa and Latin America.  A team of experts, brought together by specialist environment and rural TV channel Green TV, put together a selection of videos which are relevant for Indian farmers.  The subjects range from rice, to fish farming, onions, improving animal feed and improving soils. 

The Hindi videos can be found here. https://www.accessagriculture.org/search/all/hi

If you register at the site you can download the videos for free.  Radio stations can also download the soundtracks.

The translations were done over a four week period and then recorded with radio and TV station professionals at Green TV studio in New Delhi.  Now they will be available for distribution through Access Agriculture partner organisations and will be shown on Green TV www.greentvindia.com.

Further videos are available in other Asian languages including Bangla, Burmese, Indonesian, Khmer, Lao, Marathi, Nepali, Tamil, Thai and Vietnamese.

How you can help... Your generous donation will enable us to give smallholder farmers better access to agricultural advice in their language.

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