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Bangladesh and Nepal go full swing on farmer training videos

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From May 7th to May 19th Access Agriculture trained twelve people in the production of quality farmer-to-farmer training videos. Trainees were nominated by our respective partner organisations: Practical Action (Bangladesh and South Asia regional office in Nepal) and the Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB).

This two-week intensive training was preceded by a video translation workshop in Bangladesh. Future video productions by each of these organisations will be complemented by translated videos made by other partners in other countries and continents, increasing the availability of quality videos for farmers in local languages.

To watch training videos in South Asian languages, click on the language below:

The training workshops were part of the “Videos for Farmers” project financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Access Agriculture enables south-south exchange of, and access to, quality audio-visual training materials to secure sustainable livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Videos available in over 75 international and local languages add value to on-going extension activities undertaken by the numerous extension service providers across the globe.

Participants learned about different aspects of producing videos, such as doing video script research with farmers, how to merge scientific knowledge with farmers’ knowledge, coming to grips with camera handling and video editing, and peer review by farmers. Participants will learn how applying the Zooming-in, Zooming-out (ZIZO) approach to video production results in locally appropriate and regionally relevant training videos.

The training was hands-on and during the course, three training videos were produced on:

  • Making a raised platform for sheep and goats
  • Grafting mango seedlings
  • Sorting and storing pumpkins

These videos will soon be available to download for free in mp4 and 3gp (mobile phone) formats from www.accessagriculture.org

In an earlier workshop held in India, also the Agriculture Information Services (AIS) from Bangladesh was trained. Through its numerous partners in Africa and Asia, Access Agriculture continues to boost the availability of quality farmer training videos in the years to come.

How you can help... Your generous donation will enable us to give smallholder farmers better access to agricultural advice in their language.

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