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First Access Agriculture videos in South African languages

Videos in South African languages

Access Agriculture conducted a translation workshop 7-9 March 2023 for South Africa, under the Knowledge Centers for Organic Agriculture (KCOA) Project, in Cala, Eastern Cape, in South Africa.


The training brought together nine participants, four from Vukani Community Radio Station in the Eastern Cape Province  and another four from Muletsi Community Radio Station in Limpopo Province, and one agriculture expert also from the Eastern Cape. The purpose of the training was to equip the participants with the skills to translate video scripts and record voice-overs to create new language versions.


The participants worked on the very first set of Access Agriculture videos in two South African Languages, Xhosa and Sepedi (a total of eight videos, with four videos for each language). Later, the trained participants will translate 92 more videos; 46 for isiXhosa and 46 for Sepedi.

How you can help... Your generous donation will enable us to give smallholder farmers better access to agricultural advice in their language.

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