<<90000000>> viewers
<<266>> entrepreneurs in 18 countries
<<4647>> agroecology videos
<<107>> languages available

Now established in East and West Africa

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Access Agriculture is now established in Nairobi, Kenya and Cotonou, Benin.  Leading the team in Kenya is Executive Secretary, Bob Muchina supported by Francis Chepyegon – our technical specialist and Judy Muturi our Office Manager and book-keeper. In Benin, Dr. Florent Okry is our regional co-ordinator for Central and West Africa.  He is establishing an office in Cotonou.


Work is going on to establish links with partners who are interested in technical training videos for agriculture in local languages.  Please contact us info@accessagriculture.org

How you can help... Your generous donation will enable us to give smallholder farmers better access to agricultural advice in their language.

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With thanks to our financial partners