Voici quelques publications qui pourraient vous intéresser sur le thème de l'utilisation de vidéos dans la vulgarisation agricole.
Article / Publication | Auteurs | Détails de publication | Lien |
The potential of farmer training video for supporting agroecological vegetable production in Benin | Zoundji, G. C., Okry, F., Van Mele, P., Bentley, J. W., & Kwame Sackey, C. (2024). |
Cogent Food & Agriculture, 10(1). | Télécharger l'article; | Young changemakers: Scaling agroecology using video in Africa and India | Van Mele, P., Mohapatra, S., Tabet, L. and Flao, B. |
Access Agriculture, Brussels, 175 pp. | Télécharger livre | Videos on agroecology for a global audience of farmers: an online survey of Access Agriculture |
Jeffery Bentley, Paul Van Mele, Flora Chadare and Mahesh Chander | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability doi.10.1080/14735903.2022.2057641 |
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Training videos on agroecology – Putting the power of learning in farmers’ hands | Savitri Mohapatra |
LEISA-India, 20(2), 14-17, June 2022. | Télécharger l'article |
Access Agriculture wins 2021 FAO Innovation Award | FarmersMedia |
The Farmers Media p.18 Nov-Dec 2021 | Télécharger l'article |
Zambian Youth Empowered with Video Projectors | PELUM | PELUM Zambia News Letter (001)14-15. (2021) | Télécharger l'article |
Leveraging video to share proven indigenous animal health knowledge and practices across the Global South | Access Agriculture | Poster exhibited at the 11th Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Meeting of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock (GASL), 7-11 June 2021 | Télécharger l'article |
Commercial channels vs free distribution and screening of agricultural learning videos: A case study from Benin and Mali | Zoundji C. Gérard, Florent Okry, Simplice D. Vodouhê, Jeffery W. Bentley and Loes Witteveen | Experimental Agriculture (2020), 1–17 doi:10.1017/S0014479720000149 |
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Video-mediated rural learning: effects of images and languages on farmers’ learning in Benin Republic | Lauréano Bede, Florent Okry & Simplice D. Vodouhe | Video mediated rural learning: effects of images and languages on farmers’ learning in Benin Republic, Development in Practice, DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2020.1788508 |
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Can mobile phone-based animated videos induce learning and technology adoption among low-literate farmers? | Maredia, M.K., Reyes, B., Ba, M.N., Dabire, C.L., Pittendrigh, B. and Bello-Bravo, J.Maredia, M.K., Reyes, B., Ba, M.N., Dabire, C.L., Pittendrigh, B. and Bello-Bravo, J. | Information Technology for Development 24(3), 429-460. (2018) | Télécharger l'article |
Quality farmer training videos to support South-South learning | Van Mele, P., Okry, F., Wanvoeke, J., Fouseni Barres, N., Malone, P., Rodgers, J., Rahman, E. and A. Salahuddin | CSI Transactions on ICT, 6(3), 245-255 2018 | Télécharger l'article |
Video on Mobile Phones as an Effective Way to Promote Sustainable Practices by Facilitating Innovation Uptake in Mali | Fernando Sousa, Gian Nicolay, Robert Home | International Journal of Sustainable Development Research. Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019, pp. 1-8 | Télécharger l'article |
Smallholders download and share videos from the Internet to learn about sustainable agriculture | Bentley, J.W., Van Mele, P., Fousseni Barres, N., Okry, F. and Wanvoeke, J | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, doi: 10.1080/14735903.2019.1567246 (2019) | Télécharger l'article |
Learning through the eyes of others | Mundie Salm, Jeffery Bentley & Florent Okry | CTA, Access Agricutlure & iCRA 2018 | Télécharger livre |
Videos in Improving Farmers’ Innovation Capacity for Climate-Smart Forest and Agricultural Practices: An Experience of Madhupur Sal Forest in Bangladesh | Sarker, M. A., Chowdhury, A.H., Hoque, M., Lei, B.K. & Kabir, K.H. 2018 | Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 6, 83-99 | Télécharger l'article |
Déterminants socio-économiques de l’adoption des innovations diffusées à travers la vidéo : cas des femmes transformatrices de soja au Bénin | W. M. Gouroubera et al 2016 | Annales de l’Université de Parakou, Série Sci. Nat. Agron. Décembre 2016; Vol.6 (No.1) : 135-141 | Télécharger l'article |
Déterminants de la diffusion des technologies en milieu rural avec les vidéos : Cas des bonnes pratiques de transformation de soja en fromages au Bénin | Paul Jimmy et al 2016 | Annales de l’Université de Parakou, Série Sci. Nat. Agron. Décembre 2016; Vol.6 (No.1) : 59-66 | Télécharger l'article |
Towards sustainable vegetable growing with farmer learning videos in Benin | Gérard C. Zoundji et al 2018 | International Journal of Agricultural sustainability
DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2018.1428393 |
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Efficacité comparée de trois méthodes de diffusion d’informations rizicoles par des vidéos au Sud du Bénin |
Thomas Davito et al 2017 | Cahiers Agricultures 2017, 26, 65003 | Télécharger l'article |
Seeds of the devil weed: Local knowledge and learning from videos in Mali | Bentley et al 2017 | Indigenous Knowledge: Enhancing its Contribution to Natural Resources Management. pp 75-85 in Paul Sillitoe (Ed.) CAB International | Download chapter |
Beyond Striga Management. Videos and knowledge for climate-smart agriculture | Zoundji et al 2018 | Sustainable Agriculture Research; Vol. 7, No. 1; 2018 | Télécharger l'article |
Access to and use of video-mediated agricultural information Uganda | Karubanga et al 2017 | African Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 2 (2): April - June 2017: pp.183-197 | Télécharger l'article |
How farmer videos trigger social learning to enhance innov among smallholder rice farmers in Uganda | Karubanga et al 2017 | Cogent Food & Agriculture (2017), 3: 1368105 | Télécharger l'article |
Comparative analysis of video mediated learning and farmer field school approach on adoption of striga control technologies in western Kenya | Ongachi, W., Onwonga, R., Nyanganga, H., Okry, F. 2017 | Int. J. Agr. Ext. 05 (01) 2017. 01-10 | Télécharger l'article |
Effectiveness of video-mediated extension approach as used by Sasakawa Global 2000 to influence social learning among rice farmers in Uganda | Karubanga, G. 2017 (Thesis) | Makarere University 2017 2014/HD02/509U | Télécharger l'article |
An assessment of learning gains from educational animated videos versus traditional extension presentations among farmers in Benin | Bello-Bravo, J., Tamò, M., Ayitondji Dannon, E., and Pittendrigh, B.R. 2017 | Information Technology for Development, 2017 | Télécharger l'article |
Agricultural extension messages using video on portable devices increased knowledge about seed selection, storage and handling among smallholder potato farmers in southwestern Uganda | Van Campenhout, B., Vandevelde, S., Walukano, W., Van Asten, P. 2017 | PLoS ONE 12(1) | Télécharger l'article |
How the timing and location of video shows influence learning among rice farmers in Uganda | Karubanga, G., Kibwika, P., Okry, F., and Sseguya, H. 2016 | Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 6 (2): 77-81, December, 2016 | Télécharger l'article |
Information technologies as a tool for agricultural extension and farmer-to-farmer exchange: Mobile-phone video use in Mali and Burkina Faso | Sousa, F., Nicolay, G. and Home, R. 2016 | The International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 12(3), 19-36 | Télécharger l'article |
The distribution of farmer learning videos: Lessons from non-conventional dissemination networks in Benin | Zoundji, G. et al, 2016 | Cogent Food & Agriculture (2016), 2: 1277838 | Télécharger l'article |
Empowering farmers to learn and innovate through integration of video and face-to-face extension approaches | Karubanga, G. et al 2016 | Cogent Food & Agriculture (2016), 2: 1274944 | Télécharger l'article |
Malawi DJs distribute videos to farmers | Bentley, J. et al 2016 | Agro-Insight, Belgium | Read report |
A Passion for Video. 25 stories about making, translating, sharing and using videos on farmer innovation | Bentley, J., Boa, E. and Salm, M. 2016 | Access Agriculture, Nairobi and CTA, Wageningen | Télécharger livre |
Reflecting on video: Exploring the efficacy of video for teaching device literacy in rural Kenya
Wyche, S., Steinfield, C., Cai, T., Simiyu, N. and Othieno, M.E. 2016
Michigan State University
The Luo translations: farmer learning videos in northern Uganda
Bentley, J. 2016
Agro-Insight, Belgium
Letting information flow: Distributing farmer training videos through existing networks
Van Mele, P., Bentley, J., Md. Harun-ar-Rashid, Okry, F. and van Mourik, T. 2016
Indian Journal of Ecology, 43 (Special Issue-1): 545-551
A pilot study using educational animations as a way to improve farmers’ agricultural practices and health around Adama, Ethiopia
Bello-Bravo, J., Olana, G.W. and Pittendrigh, B.R. 2015
Information Technologies and International Development 11(3)
Distributing and showing farmer learning videos in Bangladesh
Bentley, J., Van Mele, P., Harun-ar-Rashid and Krupnik, T. 2015
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 1-19
Participatory video for nutrition training for farmers in Malawi: an analysis of knowledge gain and adoption | Cai, T., Chiwasa, H., Steinfield, C. and Wyche, S. 2015 | Paper presented at Conference on Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development. Singapore, Singapore: ACM | Read abstract |
Enhancing farmers’ capacity for botanical pesticide innovation through video-mediated learning in Bangladesh | Chowdhury, A., Odame, H.H., Thompson, S. and Hauser, M. (2015) | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 13(4), 326-349 | Read abstract |
Improving Livelihoods of Rural People through Quality Training Videos: Lessons from Access Agriculture | Kouévi, A., Okry, F., Van Mele, P., Muchina, B., Rodgers, J., Malone, P. 2014 | Tropentag, September 17-19 2014, Prague, Czech Republic | Télécharger l'article |
Social innovations triggered by videos: Evidence from Mali | Bentley, J., Van Mele, P., Zoundji, G. and Guindo, S. 2014 | Agro-Insight, Belgium, pp. 27 | Read report |
Videos that speak for themselves: when non-extensionists show agricultural videos to large audiences | Bentley, J., Van Mele, P., Okry, F. and Zossou, E. 2014 | Development in Practice 24(7), 921-929 | Read article |
Fighting striga and improving soil fertility with videos in Mal | Bentley, J., Van Mele, P., Touré, S. and van Mourik, T. 2014 | Agro-Insight, Belgium, pp. 21 | Read report |
Perceptions of cell phone animations as an educational tool: A case study in Southeastern Nigeria | Bello-Bravo, J., Nwakwasi, R., Agunbiade, T.A. and Pittendrigh, B.R. 2013 | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research 3(12), 308-315 | Télécharger l'article |
The Story of a Video on Mechanical Seeders in Bangladesh: "If we are convinced, we will buy it" | Bentley, J., Van Mele, P. and Harun-ar-Rashid 2013 | MEAS Case Study # 6, Michigan State University, pp. 28 | Read report |
Innovative and effective ways to enhance rural learning in Africa | Van Mele, P., Wanvoeke, J., Rodgers, J. and McKay, B. 2013 | In: Wopereis, M., Johnson, D., Ahmadi, N., Tollens, E. and Jalloh, A. (eds.) Realizing Africa's Rice Promise. CABI Publishing, 366-377 | Read article |
The Mud on Their Legs – Farmer to Farmer Videos in Uganda | Bentley, J., Van Mele, P. and Musimami, G. 2013 | MEAS Case Study #3, Michigan State University, pp. 26 | Read report |
Forging new partnerships: Lessons from the dissemination of agricultural training videos in Benin | Okry, F., Van Mele, P. and Houinsou, F. 2013 | The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 1-21 | Read article |
Desperately seeking content: Why service providers increasingly search for quality agricultural training videos | Van Mele, P. 2013 | Paper presented at the International Conference on Innovations in Extension and Advisory Services. Nairobi, Kenya, 15-18 November 2011: CTA | Read article |
Scientific Animations Without Borders: A new approach to capture, preserve and share indigenous knowledge | Bello-Bravo, J. and Pittendrigh, B.R. (2012) | Journal of the World Universities Forum 5(2), 11-20 | Télécharger l'article |
Participatory impact assessment of rice parboiling videos with women in Benin | Zossou, E., Van Mele, P., Wanvoeke, J. and Lebailly, P. 2012 | Experimental Agriculture 48(3), 438-447 | Read article |
Linking farmers’ access to rural radio, gender and livelihoods: case study of rice processors in Benin | Zossou, E., Vodouhe, D.S., Van Mele, P. and Lebailly, P. 2012 | Paper presented at the Third IAALD Africa Chapter Conference. Johannesburg, South Africa, 21-23 May 2012 | Read article |
Sharing ideas between cultures | Bentley, J. and Van Mele, P. 2011 | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 9(1), 258-263 | Read article |
Contribution of farmer-to-farmer video to capital assets building: Evidence from Bangladesh | Chowdhury, A.H., Van Mele, P. and Hauser, M. 2011 | Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 35(4), 408–435 | Read article |
Video as a tool for agricultural extension in Africa: a case study from Ghana | David, S. and Asamoah, C. 2011 | International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology 7(1) | Télécharger l'article |
Video-mediated farmer-to-farmer learning for sustainable agriculture: A scoping study for SDC, SAI Platform and GFRAS | Van Mele, P. 2011 | Agro-Insight, Belgium, 47 pp | Read report |
Attitude counts: engaging with rice farmers in West Africa | Van Mele, P., Bentley, J.W., Dacko, R.M., Yattara, K. and Acheampong, G.K. 2011 | Development in Practice, 21(6), 806-821 | Read article |
Lenses for learning: visual techniques in natural resource planning | Petheram, L., High, C., Campbell, B. M. and Stacey, N. 2011 | Journal of Environmental Management, 92(10): 2734–2745 | Télécharger l'article |
Learning through moving pictures: Farmer-to-farmer video to stimulate farmers' innovations about botanical and alternative pest management practices in Bangladesh | Chowdhury, A.H., Van Mele, P. and Hauser, M. 2010 | Tropentag, September 14-16, 2010, Zurich | Read article |
Enhancing rural learning, linkages and institutions: the rice videos in Africa | Van Mele, P., Wanvoeke, J. and Zossou, E. 2010 | Development in Practice, 20(3), 414-421 | Read article |
Women groups formed in response to public video screenings on rice processing in Benin | Zossou, E., Van Mele, P., Vodouhe, S.D. and Wanvoeke, J. 2010 | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 8(4), 271-278 | Read article |
Zooming-in, zooming-out: Farmer education videos: Are we getting it right? | Van Mele, P. 2010 | Rural Development News, Vol 1/2010, 23-26 | Read article |
Videos bridging Asia and Africa: Overcoming cultural and institutional barriers in technology-mediated rural learning | Van Mele, P., Wanvoeke, J., Akakpo, C., Dacko, R.M., Ceesay, M., Béavogui, L. and Anyang, R. 2010 | The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 16(1), 75-87 | Read article |
The right message and method | Bentley, J.W. 2009 | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 7(2):79–80 | Read article |
The Role of Media in the Agricultural and Rural Development of ACP Countries | CTA 2009 | Synthesis Report. CTA Annual Seminar, Brussels Belgium, 12-16 October 2009 | Download report |
Contribution of farmer-to-farmer video to food security: Evidence from Bangladesh | Chowdhury, A.H., Van Mele, P. and Hauser, M. 2009 | Tropentag, Hamburg, October 6-8 2009 | Read article |
Digital Green: Participatory video and mediated instruction for agricultural extension | Gandhi, R., Veeraraghavan, R., Toyama, K. and Ramprasad, V. 2009 | Information Technologies and International Development 5(1), 1-15 | Télécharger l'article |
Video in Development: Filming for Rural Change | Lie, R. and Mandler, A. 2009 | Wageningen CTA and FAO | Download book |
Farmer First Revisited: Innovation for Agricultural Research and Development | Van Mele, P. 2009. Strengthening Rural Extension. In I. Scoones and J. Thompson (eds) | London: Practical Action Publications, pp. 207-212 | Read article |
The power of video to trigger innovation: rice processing in central Benin | Zossou, E., Van Mele, P., Vodouhe, S.D. and Wanvoeke, J. 2009 | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 7(2), 119-129 | Read article |
Comparing farmer-to-farmer video with workshops to train rural women in improved rice parboiling in Central Benin | Zossou, E., Van Mele, P., Vodouhe, S.D. and Wanvoeke, J. 2009 | The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 15(4), 329-339 | Read article |
Effectiveness of video as an instructional medium in teaching rural children agricultural and environmental sciences | Isiaka, B. 2007 | International Journal of Education and Development using ICT 3(3), 105-114 | Download paper |
Videos that strengthen rural women's capability to innovate | Van Mele, P., Zakaria, A.K.M., Hosne-Ara-Begum, Harun-Ar-Rashid and Magor, N.P. 2007 | Communication for Development and Social Change, 1(3), 273-293 | Read article |
Zooming-in, zooming-out: a novel method to scale up local innovations and sustainable technologies | Van Mele, P. 2006 | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 4(2), 131-142 | Read article |
Bringing science to life: video development for women-to women extension | Van Mele, P., Zakaria, A.K.M., Nasrin, R., Chakroborty, B. and Rodgers, J. 2005 | In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 49-60 | Read article |
Watch and learn: video communication for appropriate technologies | Van Mele, P., Zakaria, A.K.M. and Bentley, J. 2005 | In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 77-88 | Read article |
The Myth of Community: Gender Issues in Participatory Development | Protz, M. 1998. Video, gender and participatory development. In I. Guijt and M.K. Shah (eds.) | London: Intermediate Technology Publications (pp. 165-177) | |
The First Mile of Connectivity: Radio and video for development | Norrish, P. 1998 | In D. Richardson and L. Paisley (eds.) Rome: FAO | Read chapter |
Video applications in rural development | Coldevin, G. 1988 | Educational Media International 25(4), 225-229 | Read abstract |
Pioneering a new approach to communication in rural areas: the Peruvian experience with video for training at grassroots level | Fraser, C. 1987 | Rome: FAO | Read book |