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Monthly Quiz

Quiz of the month - July 2022

1.  When hardening soft crabs how may days does it take for the shell to harden?

2. How do you know when the crab is big enough to sell?

Check the video to find out your answers!

How you can help... Your generous donation will enable us to give smallholder farmers better access to agricultural advice in their language.

Winner of June 2022 Quiz Competition

  Eugene Kofi Odame

Eugene Kofi Odame

Has a Bachelor of Education in Accounting and Economics from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana and then moved into the world of agriculture via a certificate of Agriculture, Economics and Nature from the University of Australia, through Open2Study. Eugene is currently working for the Ghana Cocoa Board as Senior Technical Officer for Monitoring & Evaluation, putting his numerical and agricultural knowledge to good use and having the opportunity for frequent field visits.

Congratulations Eugene on winning the Access Agriculture Quiz Competition for the Month of June 2022!!!

With thanks to our sponsors