Below you will find a number of modules where videos from the website have been grouped by subject or interest.
Water and soil fertility

Water and soil fertility videos:
Drip irrigation for tomato
Contour bunds
Grass strips against soil erosion
The wonder of earthworms
Making a vermicompost bed
Using human urine as fertilizer
Mulch for a better soil and crop
Compost from rice straw
Good microbes for plants and soil
Vermiwash: an organic tonic for crops
The clod breaker: a rolling harrow
Organic biofertilizerin liquid and solid form
Pitcher irrigation
Coir pith
Organic coating of cereal seed
Turning fish waste into fertiliser
Working in groups to save water
Healthier crops with good micro-organisms
Reviving soils with mucuna
Enriching soils with a mixed green manure
Seeing the life in the soil
Analysing soil pH and organic matter
Biochar to improve soil health

Vegetable videos:
Growing oyster mushrooms
Managing aphids in beans and vegetables
Managing mealybugs in vegetables
Managing vegetable nematodes
Mulch for a better soil and crop
Managing black rot in cabbage
Sorting and storing pumpkins
Using sack mounds to grow vegetables
Floating vegetable gardens
Conserving bean leaf vegetables
Solar drying of kale leaves
Insect nets in seedbeds
Harvesting and storing okra
Making a good okra seeding
Taking care of okra
Coir pith
Pitcher irrigation
Seed and biodiversity

Seed and biodiversity videos:
Recovering native potatoes
Managing seed potato
Organic coating of cereal seed
Better seed for green gram
Quality cassava planting material
Farmers' rights to seed: experiences from Guatemala
Farmers' rights to seed: experiences from Malawi
Succeed with seeds
Good microbes for plants and soil
Flowering plants attract the insects that help us
Living windbreaks to protect the soil
The wasp that protects our crops
Promoting weaver ants in your orchard
Creating agroecological markets
Community seed banks
Collecting traditional varieties
Setting up an integrated farm
Record-keeping for integrated farming
Uncultivated foods

Mango videos:
Grafting mango seedlings
Managing the mango seed weevil
Integrated approach against fruit flies
Weaver ant against fruit flies
Promoting weaving ants in your orchard
Selective harvest of mangoes
proper handling of mangoes at harvest
Making mango crisps
Mass trapping fruit flies with essential oils
Trapping fruit flies with food baits
Healthy and Diverse Food

Healthy and Diverse Food videos:
Intercropping maize with pigeon peas
Storing cowpea seed
Harvesting and storing soya bean seed
Enriched porridge
Conserving bean leaf vegetables
Managing aflatoxins in groundnuts during drying and storage
Making banana flour
Enriching porridge with baobab juice
Creating agroecological markets
Preserving eggs with salt
Tomato production

Tomato production videos:
Tomato post-harvest

Legume videos:
Reviving soils with mucuna
Intercropping maize with pigeon pea
Storing cowpea seed
Soya sowing density
Harvesting and storing soya bean seed
Beans for the lowlands
Staking climbing beans
Managing birds in climbing beans
Managing aflatoxins in groundnuts during drying and storage
Root and stem rot in groundnut
Managing leaf spot disease in groundnut
Making groundnut oil and snacks
Growing lupin without disease (Latin America)
Better seed for green gram
Crop rotation with legumes
Stronger plants with raised beds
Boosting groundnut yield with an empty drum
Managing leaf spot disease in groundnut
Fighting striga and improving soil fertility

Fighting striga and improving soil fertility videos:
Small livestock

Small livestock videos:
Making a raised platform for sheep and goats
Feeding dairy goats
Keeping sheep healthy
Growing azolla for feed
Preparing low-cost concentrate feed
Growing hydroponic fodder
Sillage from maize
Feeding grasscutters
Quail housing
Housing for pigs
Fattening sheep and goats
Managing intestinal nematodes in small ruminants
Animal health

Animal health videos:
Keeping sheep healthy
Deworming goats and sheep with herbal medicines
Herbal treatment for diarrhoea
Herbal medicine against fever in livestock
Herbal medicine against mastitis
Natural ways to manage bloat in livestock
Effective worm control
Managing cattle ticks
Keeping milk free from antibiotics
Preventing fly-borne illness in donkeys and horses
Calcium deficiency in dairy cows
Raising pigs with no smell and less work
Feed and fodder

Feed and fodder videos:
Growing azolla for feed
Preparing low-cost concentrate feed
Growing hydroponic fodder
Sillage from maize
Spineless cactus for fodder
Feeding dairy goats
Feeding improved chickens
Calcium deficiency in dairy cow
Feeding rabbits
Food for fish
Feeding grasscutters
Feeding snails
Making balanced feed for dairy cows
Sprouting grains for livestock feed

Rice videos:
Selecting new rice varieties
Seed sorting
Seed flotation
Seed drying
Seed preservation
Land preparation
Weed management
Rotary weeder
Improving rice quality
Rice parboiling
Managing bacterial leaf blight in rice
Flood tolerant rice
Compost from rice straw
Managing false smut of rice
Managing the rice leaf folder
Sustainable Land Management series
Maize post-harvest

Maize post-harvest videos:
Managing fruit flies

Managing fruit flies videos:
Making money

Making money videos:
Making soya cheese
Preparing cashew apple juice
Solar drying pineapples
Solar drying of kale leaves
Making chilli powder
Growing oyster mushrooms
Making yoghurt
Making fresh cheese
Making rennet
Village savings and loan associations
Harvesting and storing shea nuts
Making better shea butter
Making mango crisps
Making cassava snacks
Creating agroecological markets
Record-keeping for integrated farming
Making organic soap
Preserving eggs with salt
Tapping coconut sap to make juice
How to sell ecological food

Chicken videos:
Making a business from home raised chicks
Working together for healthy chicks
Taking care of local chickens
Feeding improved chickens
Preparing low-cost concentrate feed
Management of Newcastle disease
Increasing production of local chickens
Natural ways to keep chickens healthy
Managing fowl pox in poultry
Milk as a business
Dates, donkeys and chicks
Health and nutrition

Fruit videos:
Intercropping pineapples with bananas and beans
Solar drying of pineapples
Staking and pruning passion fruit
Weaver ants against fruit flies
Promoting weaver ants in your orchard
Controlling banana weevils
Making banana flour
Preparing cashew apple juice
Proper handling of baobab fruits at harvest
Producing healthy plantain and banana suckers