<<90000000>> viewers
<<266>> entrepreneurs in 18 countries
<<4647>> agroecology videos
<<107>> languages available

Broadcast on TV

Using either the English, French or local language versions, TV stations have broadcast videos hosted on Access Agriculture in Bangladesh (local cable TV stations and Channel-i), Benin (BB24, Tunde Agric TV), Burundi (Télévision Nationale du Burundi), Central African Republic (Télévision Centrafricaine), Democratic Republic of Congo (community television of Kinzau-Mvuete), Gambia (GRTV), Guinea (RTG), Malawi (Channel of All Nations and Times TV), Nepal (NTV), Niger (Canal3 in Malanville), and Nigeria (the federal Nigerian Television Authority as well as the state-owned Broadcasting Service of Ekiti State).

Information on the video files....

  • The video files available for download are MP4 files, but they are not high quality files intended for use on TV stations
  • If you would like to use any programmes on your TV station please contact our media desk at media@accessagriculture.org – we will establish a contract with your TV station and then allow you access to high resolution files
  • Please note that the videos must be shown in full and are not allowed to be edited.

Ideas for using the video files....

  • Play the programmes at suitable times of the year to remind your audience of good agricultural practices
  • Invite some farmers or a guest from the extension service, ministry or a local NGO and use a programme as a starting point for a discussion
  • Why not have a phone in on a subject raised by one of the programmes...
  • Use the videos as part of a magazine style programme on agriculture, food and rural developmen

Be seen to be part of your community...

  • Why not offer extra services to your viewers by distributing DVD’s of the videos by agreement with Access Agriculture
  • Remind viewers that other videos are available from the Access Agriculture website
  • Organise a viewers’ event, for example at an agricultural show, so that you can get direct feedback from your viewers
  • You can also upload your agricultural content to EcoAgtube – and if videos are already on Youtube or Vimeo then the URL’s can be copied across
  • Let us know how innovative you have been and get your story onto the Access Agriculture website!
  • Be seen! Be different!

Other languages....

  • If you think there is demand for some of the existing video programmes to go into local languages in your area, please contact us on media@accessagriculture.com
  • Do you have expertise for translating and recording programmes in different languages? If so please contact us and let us know your skills


Pay attention to detail at every stage.
Always aim to produce a QUALITY programme.

Get involved...

Some text here if required

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