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ƙɛtaɣ sɔtʊ ɖasʊ

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ƙɛlɛmƙɛlɛm ƙʊnɛ ƙɩta ɖɩnaɣ ɛsɩ ma ƙɩtõ ƙõŋ ɛsɩna ɖɩtɩlɩʊ ƙʊƴɔ nɛ ɛsɩna ɖɩla ƴɔ hatʊ sɛʊ ƙɩdɩtalʊ nɛ pɩwɩlaɣ nɛ ŋpɩsɩŋna haƴɩm hɔlʊ wɩli pɩtɩƴɔ nɛ pɩsɩ

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