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Webinar on scaling agroecology receives overwhelming response

How to scale agroecology

Over 260 participants from more than 50 countries, attended the webinar on “How to scale agroecology,” that was jointly organised by Access Agriculture and the Agroecology Coalition, on 25 October 2022. The special webinar was one of the flagship events of the 10th anniversary celebrations of Access Agriculture this year.


The active and engaged audience who followed the webinar with a keen interest appreciated the “brilliant presentations and enriching discussions” by distinguished speakers and panelists. The webinar focused mainly on Access Agriculture’s decade of achievements in helping mainstream agroecology and accelerate the transition towards more resilient food systems.


Access Agriculture’s innovative digital approach, last-mile delivery model and partnerships that have enabled global access to quality farmer training videos were applauded by partners who actively participated in the webinar. Some of the achievements that were highlighted include the splendid effort made by Access Agriculture to:


  • Bring the voice of farmers by sharing their knowledge and experience through the videos
  • Fill critical gaps in knowledge and skills of rural communities in the Global South relating to agroecological principles and practices
  • Ensure availability of quality farmer training videos in local languages, which enhances the sense of ownership among communities that watch them
  • Nurture a growing network of young changemakers who show videos to farmers using a smart even in remote areas that are off grid and have no Internet connectivity


The webinar discussions and insights from partners provided valuable guidance for future directions for Access Agriculture as it positions itself for the next 10 years to fill a unique and valuable niche in supporting horizontal, farmer-to-farmer learning and the scaling of agroecology across the Global South.


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