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Striga biology

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Striga nesida erai eduwan loda  emunamunai imomwa,akuma,nepepkeda ekididi. Eduwan ngol loka striga nesida  euriari itorite toma ocoka ke konye mere aliasiti kwape ewomitotori itunga lu ipu. Abeit eraasit ediopete loka eduwan ngol loka striga nesida epedori abekun akwata luka ilukumini luka icoka. Icoka ngulu kesida imitirasi noi ido akorioko lu ipu kesida mam ejenente kesi. Eputosi kesi keda apuwa nairionani. Konye mam icamunete aingalingalawo.

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Agro-Insight, ICRISAT
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