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Sɛ woretu mako atintim

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Sɛ yɛdi nhyehyɛeɛ papa a ɛdidi soɔ yinom so a yɛbɛtumi abrɛ adehwereɛ dodoɔ yi ase:yɛresiesie yɛn afanaa,yɛresiesie asaase no,na yɛretu ntimma no atintim.Nhyehyɛeɛ pa ho hia pa ara. Esiane sɛ mako nyin yie wɔ asaase a ɛyɛ mmerɛ na ɛyɛ papa so nti no, hwehwɛ nnoɔma a ɛyɛ asaase yie ansa na woayɛ w’afanaa no.

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