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Yɛde awia ɛhata kale ahaban

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ɛnyɛ ahogono mma akuafoↄ ne atosodeɛ tↄnfoↄ  koraa sɛ wↄtↄn wↄn atosodeɛ sɛ mpo adeɛ akyeso, efiri saa atosodeɛ yi sɛe ntɛm. Nanso akwan pii wↄ hↄ ma akuafoↄ ne atↄnfoↄ a abrɛ ɛka bↄmu wↄ atosodeɛ tↄn mu, mpo wↄ ɛbere yɛwↄ otwa brɛ mu

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Produced by
Biovision Kenya, NASFAM Malawi, Egerton University Kenya, Sulma Foods Uganda
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