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p ɩ na ɣ da acã ha ɖ a ʊ

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acã tɩŋ wena wɩsɩ nɛ lɩm ɛtalʊwɛ camɩƴɛ ƴɔ asasʊ camɩƴɛ nɛ ŋbʊ ƴekɩna nɛ pɩlʊlʊ saƙɩƴɛ pɩtɛlɛ pɩpɔsʊ se ekoƴɩ pee lɛ ɛsɛtɩ pɩlɩŋsɩ ŋsɩ sɩ lɛlɛta ɖmada ƴɔ pɩ sa nɛ wɩsɩ talɩ lɛsɩ

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