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Njuumri ko kaŋŋe

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E aada, njuumri yeeyetenoo ko e beɗi, kono hannde oo, ko heewi e soodooɓe ɓee njiɗi ko ngittaandi e beɗi, ndiin njuumri mbaylaandi ina laaɓi, ina waawi ñaameede, moofteede ko ɓuri juutde. Ngam yenaneede wonde njuumri ndii ina heddii e kalitee mum, oɗon poti rewde sarɗiiji tati teeŋtuɗi :

Ittude tan njuumri ɓenndundi ndii, rewde sarɗiiji laaɓal ngal e sahaa jumgol ngol e baylugol ngol ; e yenaneede kuutorɗe ɗee fof e mooftirɗe ɗee fof ina laaɓi, ina njoori.

Current language
Peulh / Fulfuldé / Pulaar
Produced by
NASFAM, NOGAMU, Egerton University, ATC/UNIDO
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