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Ndema lekki gerewileyaa

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Gerewileyaa robistaa iddiranoo idan ko sabu ɓuuɓri mum e leyɗeele demooje kafe e warga e fuɗnaange Afrik, hannde remooɓe tokosɓe ɓee ina kuutoroo ki e sifaaji keewɗi, ɗoo ɗo ki naatataa e ndemaaje ɗee, eki huutoree e leɗɗe gollirteeɗe, kuɗol ngol, beremlefi ɗii, ɓuuɓri e haɗde henndu.

Current language
Peulh / Fulfuldé / Pulaar
Produced by
Countrywise Communication, CIS Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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