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Ciifol huɗo ngam haɓde e ñaamtogol leydi

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Remooɓe pulook to Taylannda e to Wiyetnaam ina ngusta ñaamtogol leydi, tawa ina ngaawa ciifi huɗo e njuuteendi taartaarol hee. Copoƴƴi gaawaaɗi e taartaari ɗii ina ngusta njaaweeki ndiyam njippotooɗam gila dow, mballa leydi ndii e naatde e leydi. Eɗi mballita kadi leydi ndii e samosamo koo e heddaade e ciifol hee. Oɗon mbaawi aawde huɗo hewko, tuugaade e soklaaji mon, haa e ko jogaa e nokku hee.

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Peulh / Fulfuldé / Pulaar
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