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Weer um kaani ci naaj bi

Uploaded 4 years ago | Loading

Su kaani yi toyee, daa ñuy qall walla nëb. Yenn qalleef yi di na inndi posan bu nit ñi tuddée afalatosiin. Ngir gaawal weer beek wowal ñam ci anam bu sell, man na ñoo jëfëndikóo sesuwaar biy japp  taŋngoor u jànt bi nfir wowal firwi yi akk lujum yi. Sesuwaar biy japp  taŋngoor u jànt bi bari melokaan akk tolluwaay, waante doxin bi benn la. Ci widéwóo bii, daa ñu jangg ni ñuy defaree akk jëfëndikóo sesuwaar bu sempal biy japp  taŋngoor u jànt bi ngir wowal kaani yi.

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