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Nɔnɔ tali ka taa nɔnɔ lajɛyɔrɔ la

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Nɔnɔ bɛ tiɲɛ k’a sababu kɛ banakisɛw ye minw ka dɔgɔn kojugu f’u tq ye xq la. Banakisqw bɛ caya joona nɔnɔ la ka a tiɲɛ. U bɛ caya joona nɔnɔ kalaman la ka tɛm’a sumalen kan. O la, aw ye nɔnɔ ta ka taa nɔnɔ lajɛyɔrɔ la miniti 30 kɔnɔ birili kɔfɛ n’o tɛ a bɛ daminɛ ka tiɲɛ.

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