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Sɛnɛfɛnhôrônw laseli so kônô

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Bôlôlô sanfɛ, sɛnɛkɛlaw b’u ka fɛnhôrônw feere ani sannikɛlanw bɛ kilo tilancɛ ka se 05 ma laxini kɛ. Sannikɛlanw bɛ fɛn kɛnɛmanw ni fɛn kuraw ani sanumanw sɔrɔ minw bɛ las’u ma u ka da la. N’u ye sannikɛlan basigilen sɔrɔ, sɛnɛkɛlanw bɛ sɔrɔ basigilen sɔrɔ, w’u bɛ sɔngɔn caman sɔrɔ u ka sɛnɛfɛnw la

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Atul Pagar
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